What is this place?

9th grade religion class…1974-5

Trust Walk is a space to collect stories of Catholic life during the years after the end of the Second Vatican Council.

I’ll publish my own posts, and readers are invited – encouraged – to share your own stories, hopefully related to the post.

There’s really one rule for commenting: share the story.

Don’t argue with other commenters, don’t judge, don’t engage in polemics. If your experience was great – please share it. If your experience was terrible – please share it. And then just consider what others have shared, without commenting on it.

Also - this is not a general dumping grounds for your general memories. As in Let me tell you about the wonderful lunch Nonna made after my First Communion back in ‘69. Off-topic comments will be deleted.

So let’s try to stay focused. How did the changes of the Second Vatican Council impact your life back then - in ways that were great, tragic, puzzling, absurd, eye-opening, transformative or just crazy?

Also: if you publicly comment, you’re giving me permission to possibly reference your comment in subsequent posts.

My reasons for creating this space are laid out here.

New posts will be published twice a month, on Fridays, starting on November 4.

About Amy Welborn

Writer of nearly 30 books, most recently the forthcoming Loyola Kids Book of Seasons, Feasts and Celebrations. My columns and articles have been published in Commonweal, the New York Times, Our Sunday Visitor, Liguori, Catholic News Service, among others.


Blog: Charlotte was Both


For a sense of my sense of the experience we’ll be talking about, check out this short story.

I currently live in Birmingham, Alabama, but spend a lot of time traveling, both seeing my five kids and their families, scattered around the country from New York to Wyoming, as well as just wandering.

First Communion,1968

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Sharing and saving Catholic stories, 1965-1985. Or thereabouts.


Writer of many books and too many words on the Internet. Interested in and annoyed by Catholicism, politics and The Narrative. Interested in and generally not annoyed by history, literature and travel.